Spring term in the Kestrel Class
Date: 16th Jan 2017 @ 8:36pm
Welcome back to our new school term and year! Thank you all so much for your kind wishes, cards and gifts. It really is lovely to be back in school with you all!
We have started our new topic of World War II and are studying Friend or Foe as part of whole class reading sessions. This week we will begin our book study of Anthony Browne's King Kong - this will involve grammar work whilst also developing our writing skills.
In maths, we are embarking on a new initiative of a shared project in class; we are creating a Magical Bakery! This involves the creation of a business idea, creating products and a pricing structure to hopefully make a profit. This will be great practise for our Fiver Challenge later in the year, where we will actually be using real money and products to make a real profit.
Please see a copy of this term's newsletter for more details of the curriculum!
Here are the stars of our class this week: